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Nose arch rasping is one of the most common nasal reconstructions. During this procedure, the nasal bridge is reduced by shaving and the protruding areas in the nose are flattened. In this way, a smooth nose can be created that is more proportional and compatible with the general facial features. The shaving or rasping process required by the operation is planned according to the person's face type and the arch in the nose.

Burun Torpuleme

What is Nose Arch Rasping and Why is it Done?

The nasal arch rasping procedure is usually applied for aesthetic concerns, but in some cases, it may also aim to eliminate breathing problems due to the nasal arch. Bringing the arched part of the nose to a normal structure by rasping it provides the elimination of breathing problems. It is also effective in giving the nose a more natural and beautiful appearance. After the procedure, the back of the nose is brought to a flatter and more aesthetic structure when viewed from the side profile, and the front view is much more proportional than before.

How is the Nose Arch Rasping Procedure Done?

The nasal arch rasping procedure is simpler and faster than other nose surgeries. For this reason, the surgery is completed in a shorter time and the postoperative recovery rate is also high. The part of the nose to be filed is determined by an examination between the doctor and the patient. The patient is shown the planned final form of the nose through various 3D photography techniques and software. After deciding on a structure that the person will be happy with, the operation can be started.

The surgery can be done under local or general anesthesia, it depends on the intensity of the procedure required by the nose. In cases where the arch is large, procedures such as nasal tip lifting and nose reduction may be required in addition to rasping.

The duration of the rasping procedure, which takes place simultaneously with additional interventions, varies between 40 minutes and 2 hours. In cases where only shaving is sufficient, no additional surgery is required and the operation takes much less time.

During the rasping process, not only the dorsal part of the nose is not structured, but also the inside of the nose usually gets some changes. Since this situation varies according to the person, it is planned specifically for the patient by the specialist doctor and results in the creation of the most correct nose for the person. The nose in which the person is dissatisfied and both psychologically and aesthetically disturbed is restored to a natural structure. Thus, it is possible for the person to be more active in social life and feel better.

After Nose Arch Rasping Surgery

Patients whose nasal arches are rasped can directly return to their social life and start working. The fact that the operation is faster than other nose surgeries makes the next process more comfortable. However, it is necessary to wait at least 6 months for the nose to fit completely and to avoid movements such as wearing glasses that will put pressure on the nasal arch as much as possible.

It is normal for swelling and bruising to occur on the patient's face after surgery. These bruises arise from the shock of the procedure applied to the skin and lighten over time. To reduce bruising and swelling, cold compresses can be applied to the area or tampons can be placed in the nose. Nasal strips are advised to replace tampons, which are often used for the first few days following surgery. These bands are placed on the nose to help the healing process.

In order for the process to continue in the fastest and risk-free way after the nasal arch rasping procedure, it is necessary to strictly follow the physician's recommendations such as avoiding putting pressure on the area and rest. Since it takes several months for the nose to have its full shape, especially the first period is very important. It is important to protect the nose against impacts and not to make movements that will damage the nose during this period. In this way, the healing period will be much more comfortable and faster.

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