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The prominent ear is a common problem in the world and in our country, which causes social or psychological problems in the person if left untreated. Although it does not cause any functional damage, this aesthetically disturbing condition can be corrected with a simple operation.

Kepçe Kulak

It is recommended to perform the surgery at a young age to avoid psychological problems and ridicule, but adults are also suitable for surgery.

What is Prominent Ear?

Prominent ear, also known as "sail ear", is a common deformity and is not aesthetically pleasing. It is generally caused by loose ear cartilage or inadequate ear folds. As a result of such problems, the ear cannot stay in its normal position and leans forward or sideways.

Prominent ear problems usually affect both ears, but in some people, it may apply to one side.

While women have the possibility to cover this problem with their hair, this is not the case for men. Therefore, the prominent ear is a much more disturbing problem in men and needs to be treated surgically.

Causes of Prominent Ear

The prominent ear is a problem caused by genetic factors and usually develops in individuals with a family history of the same problem. Prominent ear genes passed on by the family affect children and are mainly caused by the following problems:

  • Loose ear cartilage
  • The gap between the bone behind the ear and the auricle is wider than normal
  • Insufficient formation of folds on the upper part of the ear
  • The auricle is not curved and flat

Prominent Ear Surgery

The only and definitive solution to the prominent ear problem is surgery, which is quite easy and simple. Even in children, prominent ears can be treated surgically to alleviate issues including embarrassment, shyness, and feelings of inadequacy. It is generally recommended to perform surgery at the age of 5-6 after the problem is detected.

The advantage of the operation performed at an early age is that the individual grows up without feeling physical inadequacy, but adults can also have this surgery in the period they want.

Prominent ear surgery is performed under local or general anesthesia and generally does not require hospitalization after the operation. Therefore, the person can recover in a short time and return to his/her daily life. The surgery, which proceeds by shaping the ear cartilage and bringing them into normal form, takes 45 to 90 minutes. Since the surgical incision is made behind the ear, it does not leave any scars that will cause visual problems, and full recovery is achieved within 1-2 weeks on average.

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