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Sudden hearing loss is a problem that can occur at any age and can affect anyone. This problem, which usually occurs in individuals over the age of 40, defines hearing loss lasting less than 3 days. The risk of sudden hearing loss increases with increasing age.

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What Causes Sudden Hearing Loss?

Sudden hearing loss is a problem whose exact cause is unknown, but the main risk factors for the development of the problem are as follows:

Vascular Blockages

The inner ear is the center of hearing and balance, and a blockage in the vessels supplying it for any reason can result in hearing loss. The fact that the vessels supplying the inner ear are very thin and delicate increases the risk of blockage.

Viral Infections

Infections such as measles, mumps and influenza can affect the auditory nerves. Affected nerves can cause symptoms such as sudden hearing loss.

Bacterial Infections

The inner ear contains a complex labyrinth, which is filled with fluid and is responsible for balance. The labyrinth, which consists of canals and cavities, is likely to cause hearing problems as a result of bacterial infections.

Autoimmune Diseases

The immune system, which is responsible for protecting the body against external threats, can sometimes wage war against its own tissues and cells. This means that various functions that are beneficial to the body are lost. Autoimmune diseases can affect the inner ear, leading to hearing loss.


Heavy blows to the ear or head can create a shock effect in the inner ear. This high-energy shock effect can cause tearing of the eardrum or deterioration and wear of the inner ear structures. Sudden pressure changes can also affect the inner ear and cause hearing loss.

Metabolic Diseases

Type 2 diabetes, metabolic fat problems and similar problems affect the ear as well as many other parts of the body. Such diseases can disrupt the structure of the inner ear, resulting in sudden hearing loss.


Tumors in the auditory nerves affect other ear structures and cause hearing loss problems.

Symptoms of Sudden Hearing Loss

Hearing loss can develop suddenly or gradually, in most cases without any symptoms. In some cases, hearing loss progresses gradually and, if it doesn’t get treated, it results in permanent sensory loss. In rare cases, the following symptoms may occur:

  • Inability to distinguish sounds in crowded environments
  • Not being able to hear what is being said
  • Difficulty following conversations
  • Failure to recognize loud noise when watching television or listening to music

If these symptoms persist, it is urgent to consult a specialist and start the necessary treatment. Otherwise, it may not be possible to restore the lost sensation.

Sudden Hearing Loss Treatment Methods

Hyperbaric oxygen therapy is one of the first methods used in cases of sudden hearing loss. This method is applied especially in patients with new onset of hearing loss and results in high success. However, this method is not effective in hearing loss lasting longer than 2 weeks.

Treatment of hearing loss can vary on a case-by-case basis and may require the use of different medications such as blood thinners, corticosteroids, serums, diuretics, vitamins, coenzymes or carbons. These medicines can be used alone or in combination.

Generally, the use of medication depends on the underlying cause and is continued on the advice of a physician.

When necessary, implants supporting the auditory nerves, assistive listening or hearing aids may be used. The most important point here is to start treatment as early as possible. The type of treatment determined in the light of physical examination, patient history and various tests is planned according to the needs of the individual. Starting treatment at an early stage is aimed at leaving the least damage to the person and is much more curative than late-stage treatments.

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