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Throat ache is a common health problem characterized by burning, dryness and pain in the throat. Affecting millions of people every year, throatache is a symptom of many diseases. Especially infections such as flu and colds, environmental factors such as dry or dusty air are effective in the formation of sore throat.

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The disease is divided into 3 types according to the affected area: 1. pain in the area from the back of the oral cavity to the larynx is called pharyngitis, 2. pain in the laryngeal voice box is called laryngitis, 3. pain in the tonsils is called tonsillitis. Throatache problems, which seriously reduce the quality of life, usually heal on their own.

Why Does a Throatache Happen?

There may be many reasons behind a sore throat. Viruses that commonly cause problems such as colds and flu and bad weather are the main causes of throat aches. Less common causes are bacterial infections. Periodic allergies, strained throat muscles, injuries, tumors, and air pollution are also among the factors that cause sore throats.

The risk factors for sore throat are as follows:

  • Age: Children and young people are more often affected by sore throats. The risk of developing bacterial infections is particularly high in the 3-15 age group.
  • Chemical irritants: The use of fossil fuels and household chemicals can leave particles in the air that irritate the throat and cause pain.
  • Weak immune system: A weak immune system makes the body more susceptible to infections. In these people, the throat area is particularly vulnerable to fungal infections and as a result they develop a sore throat.
  • Chronic infections: Frequent infections result in an increased flow of fluid from the nose into the throat, which causes irritation of the throat.
  • Smoking and tobacco use: Using tobacco and tobacco products or being a passive smoker increases throat sensitivity and causes sore throats. The use of these products or spending long periods of time in a smoking environment also increases the risk of cancer of the larynx and throat.

What are the Accompanying Symptoms of a Throat Ache?

Although the most prominent symptom of sore throat is irritation and pain in the throat, this condition can bring different findings. While some may have swallowing sensitivity, in some cases tonsillitis may be observed. In general, the cause of the pain causes other symptoms to vary.

Common symptoms that accompany a sore throat include:

  • Runny nose
  • Nasal congestion
  • Coughing
  • Sneezing
  • Hoarseness
  • Feeling cold or shivering
  • High fever
  • Enlargement of the lymph nodes in the neck
  • Headache
  • Loss of appetite
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Pain in various body parts

How is Throatache Treated?

Treatment of throat ache problems varies according to the underlying cause. At this stage, a culture and secretion sample taken from the patient's throat is distinctive in diagnosis. At the same time, physical examination and patient history are also effective in determining the main cause. If conditions such as allergies are suspected, blood tests may be used.

Cases caused by viral infections mainly recover within 5-7 days without any medical intervention.

In cases such as mild flu or colds, resting with plenty of water consumption accelerates the healing process. Meanwhile, it is important to pay attention to the diet and to eat soft foods to prevent further irritation of the throat. Painkillers can be used with the doctor's recommendation.

In cases caused by bacterial infections, antibiotics are used and medication is continued even if the symptoms improve. Taking antibiotics prevents the existing infection from spreading to other parts of the body and is continued on the advice of a doctor.

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